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Enrich your albums with these stunning enhancements

Spine Printing

Print an image or text on any or all the 3 sides of your album

Leather Printing

Print names, or logos on leather covers of your albums

3-D Bling Effect

Turns your prints into extraordinary creations. A digital enhancement on the image, produced by raised ink on selected areas, creating a sparkling luxury look that you can touch and feel. Imagine seeing your picture in 3D.
3-D Bling Effect can be added while configuring your Album order

Art Effect

Art Effects are created by coating a glossy, shiny liquid to a printed paper surface and cured on a printing press using ultraviolet light. The coating hardens/cures when it is exposed to the ultraviolet radiation. Art Effect make details pop and stand out and are perfect for photographic images and vector images. Environmentally friendly: Art Effect coatings are free of solvents and do not emit volatile organic compounds, or VOCs when cured. Paper with UV coatings are recyclable just as other papers.
Art Effect can be added while configuring your Album order.